Saturday, February 12, 2011

Let's Go, Girls

So -- people think that Mormons are weird. Well, quite frankly, I think everyone is weird in their own special way, not just Mormons. I will say that we are definitely different, a fact which made my mom laugh a bit when I told her about our "last roommate hurrah" to commemorate Lisa moving out. I mean, I think going out to dinner with friends is pretty standard when you're moving farther than two minutes away from them, and we did that Friday night. But Saturday morning is when we deviated from what other people may do. Lisa, Betsey, and I left our place at 7 a.m. to make a drive and go to the Manti temple. None of us had been to that temple, but it was a really beautiful place. And I didn't really think anything of it until I told my parents about it and Mom queried, "How many people do that as a last hurrah?" Good question, Mom.

The weekend before last I was also able to do some gal-pal activities because Glen was long gone (to vegas) and naturally that left me with lots of free time. Attending True Grit with Jen and Casey was pretty fun, especially at the parts of the movie that we all cringed at and wished later we hadn't witnessed. heh heh Then there was lunchtime with Becky (and consequently, noah) and to the Carl Bloch exhibit that evening with Esther. Gotta love my girls, and I do. It was nice to spend some time one-on-one with them (and then all together later that same evening when becky and noah dropped by my place).

In other news: pink eye is dumb. I have never had it before, and two weeks ago, I woke up, feeling that my right eye was just ... watering (and other stuff, too, but we won't get into that) and it looked a tad irritated. By the end of the day, it was fully yucky. (nice vocabulary choice, huh? i'm soooo eloquent.) I think I washed every single cloth-like possession of mine in the next two days, as well as visiting the doctor, which I just love, to get some anti-biotic drops to clear it out. It made its way into my left eye, too, but it eventually decided to go away, which made me happy. I sincerely hope I never get it again, because it was a big fat pain ... and I am not an expert at putting stuff in my eyes.

Now we wait for the weather to warm up. PLEASE ... warm up.


"A hospital is no place to be sick." -Samuel Goldwyn

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