Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanks - Day Numero Nou

Today I am thankful for . . .


Where would I go without shoes? I'd barely make it past my gravelly driveway to toss out the garbage without them! All it takes is that extra layer, and you're good to go. Anywhere. Well, okay, maybe not "anywhere", depending on the kind of shoe you're wearing. And heaven knows, I have plenty of shoes that I can't wear unless I plan on sitting a lot. (ahem, tango heels)

But a good pair of shoes give you power. They give you the chance to step out your door and go on an adventure, be it a stroll to the nearest park, a romp through the snow, or a trek up Squaw Peak. And once you find that one pair of really great shoes that you can go anywhere in and not get blistered heels, it's sure hard to let them go. Of course, once the sole starts separating from the upper, it's probably time to say goodbye.


"I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them at least five years." -Samuel Goldwyn

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Unless you're the sole on a pair of Tommy's high school shoes!!
(love those tango shoes)